August 2018 Quarterly Meeting
Visit to a Rare Stone Barn
Have you ever seen a stone barn while driving in the country and wondered what it looked like inside? Fortunately, our Ozaukee County Historical Society has been invited to hold our August Quarterly Meeting in just such a barn, owned by Wayne and Linda Luft. Wayne explained the barn was built in 1879, by Thomas Ruhland, an immigrant from Bavaria, Germany, on 80 acres he purchased in the Town of Fredonia, in 1851. The farm remained in the Ruhland family until 1975, when Wayne and Linda purchased the buildings, and five acres. When their children joined the Waubeka 4-H, one of their many projects was showing steers at the Ozaukee County Fair. The lower level of the barn was used to house the animals and the second level was for storing hay and feed. Today, the barn stands empty, waiting for interested visitors to come see it and appreciate its purpose and grandeur, Wayne likes to comment that “It looks like the attic of an old European castle inside.”
This is your opportunity to visit and learn about one of the few remaining stone barns in this area on Monday, August 6th. Our Quarterly Meeting will begin with a business meeting at 6:30 pm, plus complimentary refreshments. At 7:00 pm Wayne and Linda will make a presentation on what it’s like to own a stone barn, its history, some of its unique characteristics, and lots more interesting information. This event is free and open to the public and will end at 8:00PM. Chairs and bales of hay will be provided for seating (you may also bring your own chair); parking will be available in a nearby field with parking for the handicapped on the lawn. Dress for comfort; sturdy shoes are suggested.