Dobberpuhl Memorial Scholarship - Application/Criteria
In recognition of Harold C. Dobberpuhl’s (1931-2002) many years of service to Ozaukee County, local communities and organizations, the Ozaukee County Historical Society’s Board of Directors established a memorial scholarship in his name.
At the time the scholarship was established, former OCHS board president Bill Gruenwald stated, "Harold will always be remembered for serving the people with many years of service that reflected his integrity without compromise and humble servanthood to all of Ozaukee County. He set the standards when it comes to dedication, honesty, attention to detail, commitment and accomplishment. There’s a wide spectrum of Harold’s involvement within the County and beyond and there isn’t enough room to list it all. As a lifetime member, his support of the Ozaukee County Historical Society reached all aspects to include the Ozaukee County Pioneer Village, Stony Hill School, the Ozaukee County Archives Research Center, and the Interurban Depot Project, to name just a few. His passion and commitment to preservation of the past, along with his legacy of public service left behind, needs to be remembered. There is no better way than the establishment of this scholarship fund.”
The scholarship fund will be awarded on an annual basis to an Ozaukee County High School Senior who will pursue a career relating to Harold’s many years of public service as the Ozaukee County Clerk or in a field relating to his many passions, including history, historical preservation and photography. A Scholarship Committee, comprised of members of the OCHS Board of Directors, has been established to review the criteria, eligibility, and the amount to be awarded on an annual basis. Tax-deductible contributions may be sent to the Ozaukee County Historical Society at P.O. Box 206, Cedarburg, WI 53012 and clearly marked for the “Harold C. Dobberpuhl Memorial Scholarship Fund”. Scholarship applications can be picked up from any Ozaukee County High School Guidance Office or at the Ozaukee County Archives Research Center. Questions may be addressed to the Scholarship Committee at the address listed above, or call (262) 377-4510 for further information.
Provide a copy of your Junior Year and 1st Semester Senior Year High School Transcript or Progress Report with at least one reference or letter of recommendation.
Attach Transcript or Progress Report to the scholarship form making four separate and collated applications. Grade point average and class rank must appear on the information forwarded for consideration
Mail all four copies to:
Harold C. Dobberpuhl Scholarship
Attn: Scholarship Committee
Ozaukee County Historical Society
PO Box 206
Cedarburg, WI 53012-0206
Your signature must appear on each application along with that of your parent or guardian’s signature as indicated
All applications must be received by April 1st – NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE!!!!!!!!!